Man of Stone 7-17-18

 It happened today as he made his rare appearance
In a town that wouldn’t take me, turned away, I’d cause interference
He couldn’t see his reflection in broken glass, however he is not alone And he saw right through me, I know he did, welcome the Man of Stone

His thoughts, like his eyes, are still clear and deep
Blue, if I can recall, only able to see so much, too empty to weep
Turning away doesn’t set so well, as you see a girl, she is alone
I’ll bet it all that she never  caught the glance of the Man of Stone
You pretend to sleep you pretend to look so hazy
But I know he introduced himself to me, it doesn’t faze me
To a man who’s cracks, scars and silence convince me he’s alone
She’s a forgotten image now, thin, I know she made love to the Man of Stone

Little boy blue splashes water while she crosses her arms
Dead to the whole world, at one time she bartered with her charm People pass by often with baggage not seen, they dare not to go alone Many faces are rearranged right before their eyes, yes, the Man of Stone

I saw him speak, the reaction slow, dreams come easy
You can look now, nothing can happen, please believe me
Nothing can awaken him now, his stories, to himself, he’s not alone
The thing is, it might be too late, don’t deny I saw you see the Man of Stone

From the bricks of white and grey, some fallen, some stolen
Came that man of blue, was he shading his eyes or was he patrolling?
During a war still happening while his comrades they eerily lay alone
It’s sad to say, they know each other now, though they never met the Man of Stone

The girl again, let’s revisit that scene, let’s make things up
She never spoke, you fill in the blanks, catch her, what!
Her face is young, not as it looks, someone got her alone
Anyone, no one, she panics, she actually wants to touch the Man of Stone

The boy grew into a man while the man grew into a boy
I thought that over and over, desperation, I tried to avoid
A field, a lost time, a tool, that leathered man left alone
Don’t worry about the field, I’ll send over the Man of Stone

He rises like the giant he is, like a fighter who stood too long
In a ring not really there, his opponent, unbeatable, just too strong
So his legs they leave him to stagger and fall most likely all alone
The bell is certain to ring, the fight will stop, down goes the Man of Stone

That brings me to this, this is what I wanted to tell
Thoughts in my head, a voice, you don’t know the hell
I’ve been through and visit, I’m here but I’m always alone
Here, let me get up, I’m treading my way through to meet the Man of Stone

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Craig Krause

Craig Krause

A person with an incredible future who often lives in and revisits the past

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