Dream of an Unfortunate Reality (this actually took place)


Told many things, some never happened, yet maybe some are true
But before my song plays, the owner of cars, gold yellow, white and blue
You say it came that way, from a factory, she rumbled like a lion
I so wish I could tell you you’re wrong, bragger, for credit keep trying

A few fish fed a crowd, they were hungry, yet too much you made
Three fish did I see on the ground, on your knees, five pounds weighed
A word of contention, I’m not sure who’s right, or who to believe
Doesn’t matter much now, not at all, seems like myself, didn’t take a leave

In a nick of time, by a hair, by a nose, by the skin of his teeth 
Two out of three, they say it’s not bad, until you hang the wreath
Why three were all there and strong, yes stronger than Sampson
Thank God for relief or maybe silence, I paid the price, I paid the ransom

I don’t believe in magic, fate not exist, can you believe sometimes it happens
One ignored his visit, refused to ask, one should have known, voice in captions
Two came one went, why it ended that way, could be choice, or lack there of
Sometimes we have choices to make that should be obvious, made with our love

Still, it’s a journey back of things, events, carved into my mind
You, her, them, so caring, so worried, looking deeper, too much you’d find
For if a visitor drops by, uninvited to say nothing at all and you remember
In my mind was in June, July, August, might it have been early September?

It wasn’t spread quickly like anything in those days, as dear friends, words tender
If I try hard, digging deep, pushing it away, choosing not to remember
Yet, there she is, can only imaging her thoughts in her mind, too soon to wake
Issued a statement, in fact clarifying a question, in panic, it would not wait

A drive, not sure, getting into the blue, into a driveway, and into a kitchen
Now memory, away the thing flies, maybe all to blame; no, there’s greater sin
Awoke that day, giving up my rest, my place where in darkness I was hidden
I thought it was over and not real, there still, the chair that he’d sit in

Down in the cotton, down in my elbows as my dream, left in a hurry
‘Cause at that point I was hoping all this nonsense was mindless worry
I said “dream”, cause those thoughts were real, nothing of imagination
I wonder if the night welcomed them, or terrorized by frustration

Did they cry for him, did they cry for me, I never asked why?
No difference I’d make, outcomes the same, I never tried
Paper written on, tales were told, secretes? I didn’t care
Many things have passed, some came close, back to that hair

You gamble with a word called “if”, it’s only played in a mind
Maybe the paper started a fire, burnt, not knowing your find
It’s so thin, it’s nothing, no bigger than a coin you casually flip
For one it meant everything, for another his garment, violently rip

They never asked for the result to come so quickly, not requested
Now there is irony in so much, turn it around and it’s arrested
Though I don’t remember or recall what really happened those days
What’s left of me, what you bet on, probably in mind, deep it stays

Why is a fence picket so thin, yet it creates space endlessly, diversion?
Taken over and captured, you don’t understand massive submersion
Of what made me this man, well, man is just more one or the other
I understand in so many facets, that night, you were father and mother

Could it be worse? You can’t speak in those limited terms
Which thing to toss and what thing to keep, nobody learns
I saw it, yet I can’t say, I played a part in each terrible scene
It never happened, it’s a bad joke it’s an ever-playing dream

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Craig Krause

Craig Krause

A person with an incredible future who often lives in and revisits the past

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