I got on a bus, not the right one you see
Can’t tell you my thoughts, I’d wish it not me
For what I saw no eyes have seen
From here to there and all things between
A man who spoke everything he said, everything twice
But said it so plainly, his manner so nice
He spoke it so slow, so versed in the law
This is just the beginning of the things that I saw
A girl selling flowers, so different so rare
I bought it once, I bought the last pair
The seeds I will keep to sow the next year
By then the girl would age and then disappear
Going on further I tempted to buy
The dreams for sale, don’t ask me why
The money to pay and get all I want
The price was too much to burden the brunt
I slowly walked away with money in hand
The shopkeeper cried “for this I won’t stand”
He went back inside for something to throw
Then sat down and waited on a bench, on third row
What happens next, I’d rather not say
Not even to mention by the end of the day
If you’d have been there what I did you would do
Then refuse to tell me all that you knew
The woman she danced and turned all about
Shattering glass and wanting the exact amount
But what was she selling, this called for investigation
Since it wasn’t so clear, we proceed with hesitation
Jumping rope, jumping over the stream
Jumping to conclusions, you know what that mean?
I’d rather walk on the skinniest of tightropes
Then jump through hoops and get up my hopes
The singer can’t play, and the player can’t sing
Enter the contest then get in the ring
The man in the corner gave the worse glare
But the girl in the front, to her I did stare
The man at the station kept pumping the gas
Into a car designed not to last
The tires were flat, and all had four sides
The driver still crying, who all needs rides
In the trunk of a car a fire did burn
The smell was familiar, so I gave it a turn
Turned my head and suddenly regretted
For the man was cooking dinner, a pasta with feta
Selling balloons for a living he, must sell by the barrow
The breath to blow them puts his life in peril
But if he’d just find the right buyer one time
The profit he’d make, I’d just blow your mind
The man who sweeps, bumped into me with reason
His lawyer though tried to sue me for treason
I said “how can this be, it wasn’t my fault”
To get off it took all the cash, a banks vault
The film star was lovely, just ask her she’d say
“It’s my beauty and charm that makes me this way”
“Please move aside the camera is coming’
The tune she’d sing she loudly started humming
A dog with a boy barking, came my way
He showed me his teeth, they are on display
Losing interest quickly, took off chasing a car
I really do believe he took this way too far
Two for one special sounded good to me
In I went noticing, thinking this shouldn’t be
‘Cause the cook looks crazy, out of his mind
I told the waitress, “keep the food, I’ll be fine”
Next thing I remember is bumping into a stranger
Didn’t think much, for I was in no danger
Tall as an elm, wide as an oak, strong as steel
I shook his hand gently and said “hey, can we make a deal”?
If you want to hear something funny, go get a joke
Bring your parents money, it’s obvious you’re broke
But their stack of silver and their stack of quarters
Will get you laughing, those are your orders
Along not came a blonde, but a black widow spider
The blonde comes later, for now let’s hide her
The spider has poison, dangerous, that’s true
Not to worry anymore, I stepped on it with my shoe
The end of the street, in the dusk, there sleeps the police
The sound from his radio, I recognize the Brothers Felice
With his cap gun he waves to me, “get out, I’m on a stake out”
Don’t believe him at all, someone heard him ordering takeout
Same street, different side, looking like I lost my key
And the only reason that takes place is that I can’t leave
For the car that got me here seems suddenly misplaced
So, you act like you’re tracking flying birds, the steps to retrace
Cotton candy, fresh peanuts, they must have just been roasted
Lining up like like little kids is exactly what most did
Something strange, somethings odd, look a little closer
Why would anyone try to make cotton candy in a toaster
At last, we get to the part of the story, the lady so blonde
She walks across the street in only 3 steps, certainly a come on
To the drug store she went, fasten than full throttle
I wonder why the peroxide she bought was the full-size bottle
The man at the pump, oil in his hand, oil in his hair
Cleans a windshield, fills up the tank, the tires he does air
But one thing about it, one thing stood out, no car is in sight
But I’ll tell you this, the windshield he cleaned, oh it is so bright
With all that takes place in a day in the strange town
Got me to thinking since I can’t find my car, here I settle down
Get me a job, hire some locals, experience is a must
Get me a loan, buy a new car, all from Bank and Trust
I think I’ll get notice, make my way, all to some’s chagrin
Then hide away at night, these folks take it on the chin
The problem with and what wakes me up, me so nervous
They punch back with good intentions, doing you a service
Thinking about this town and people, the state of the mind
Cause me to remember my car, my keys, things I’d hope to find
So, I bought a balloon, cotton candy, peanuts, stuff that I am fond
Washed my windshield, forgot the loan, grabbed the long-legged blond