5-20-21 (60)
Didn’t take long to hear you were coming
Thoughts in my head, they left, left running
The noise, not voices, you just can’t explain
Ah but yes, times I wonder if I’ve gone insane
How would you come, just when you’d arrive
Would you come in quiet, able to stay alive
It got me to thinking, yes, think I must
All things equal, or is it a bust
I don’t talk so much these days, my words so few
I let you take over, all close people knew
Feeling the weight like lead on my shoulder
A cheap shot it gave, I wanted to hold her
Then comes the strangers, riding the tide
Shooting their guns, pushing aside
All that was good, hot days long ago
My mind went fast yet my body so slow
Would you care at all, would you brush it away
I wander no where, I sit and I stay
Seeing things you can’t possibly see
You leave and you worry, what’s inside of me
What kind of fence, with holes all around
Can’t be passed through, under the ground
To a place so quiet the children stopped playing
The words so rare, you can’t see what I’m saying
Separated by walls, so thick so tall
Again the thought, I can’t cross at all
But you made it through, you took on the dare
But left be behind me, worse for wear
I tried to reach out, to touch maybe mine
He things the worse, I’m out of my mind
Maybe it’s true, I’ll think that one over
In the meantime, don’t talk, pull up the cover
In silence they come, most the time trouble
A way to see things different, not being too subtle
Alive and well, you say? Is that what you mean
Then tell me this now, why meet in a dream
Let’s let that lay, let that have its rest
My words so few, I won’t address
Why that is true, it’s not what you think
I’ll say it all now, before you can wink
What is your choice, what is your pleasure?
Leather so soft, it’s feels like your treasure
Sitting down you hardly spent that all much time
You took it all with you, everything I had, left behind
The last thing I remember, the last thought that I took
Is not lost here, to fight, to recall your somber look
Wondering, did I do this as well
Now I believe in some kind of hell
Like a fight who’s taken too many a punch
A jab, a cross, an upper cut, I have struck back not once
But I said something, I think it came out wrong
Look at me now, maybe it is here I belong
The worlds not again me, it sometimes feels like it
The thing that makes sense is darkness, forever I sit
A deal with what comes so brilliant, so clean
A shoulder to cry on, to you I lean
Nothing came out, the way that I thought
Things given, gone, my clothes you bought
But here it goes again, that’s not what I’d say
If the things in my head left, you’d go on your way
I’ve said things I’ve heard, things probably not real
Each day a new I fight, each day no power to deal
Put your arms up high, keep your head and gut cover
It hits you, it strikes you, it pounds, where’s my brother
Returning I think, I think in small ways
I’m not lonely, at least at night, maybe not days
What’s done is done, the paint now dried
Just think what you hear, listen, the thought they have died