To walk the road To see the dust In summer’s heat I feel I must Willing back feelings Begging for rain Each step taken Of a constant terrain A hedge not there A different time I’ve come this far Steps of a mind Can you see taste Can you feel thought Can you say nothing And avoid being caught If it’s not there Then reason is lost Am I willing to pay Whatever the cost Sharp thorns to climb And a life to give Is more than enough Whatever he did Roads don’t last They don’t go on They come to an end Never looked upon Where is the hedge You mentioned before Was this made up All I came for To walk this road And stumble about Kicking the rocks Sheathing with doubt Thought the road long So dry a summer It turns on itself Existence not won her A fence of trees Shades barren fields Bramble still fallen Nothing it yields Yes, this road is hard Beaten down good Still gives way And not understood 8.24.24