A smaller town; heat driven, pulled back reigns
Sun always just setting, dust covered, Western plains
Lost your way but found a home despite a cursing self
Little here, taken some there determined to barley maintain
And I sang a song for Holly-but she wasn’t there
A crop of sweat and means ahead, early of its way
Turned and soaked, wind doting efforts gone adrift, astray
Back and all is tired, burning up like a crop
Troubled days, time is drifting, and prayers do tend to fade
And I stay awake for Holly-though she didn’t care
I’ve seen shadows appear into tree’s darkness late into the night
Sleep has left me, alone; birds have lost their flight
Disappearing images of thoughts leave and venture forth
Dawn replaces exhaled reason of our distracted might
I mumble to myself a word of Holly-lonesome back road stare
Coming to grips a weathered hand is all that torrents became
Pouring over rows and fields praying for life and rain
Dirt is a taste acquired; it leaves as swift as wind
A distant call is ignored, three criminals on a train
My thoughts disturbed by Holly- desired to touch her hair
Bringing all to bear; a distant rider an image to secure
Leaving soldiers to die in pits, spilled last drop of myrrh
A half of yield is just as sure to leave a man asleep
At which he turned and tipped his hat; replied “good day dear sir”
I long to sleep a night with Holly- her bosom soft and bare
Dancing leaves chase each other, emptiness all around
Steps of solitude heave a mark, as weariness strikes the ground
A peasant will pass in gratitude and slowly make his way
A man in debt to himself; a loathsome burdensome sound
I gathered my strength for Holly- my breath into the air
Existence in a heart, having time as thick as steel
Pass over youth a girl- no shame; gander now I feel
Shoulders slump as steps grow slow, leather covers bone
A pause with purpose sheds the fact, and to the ground I kneel
What’s left of life is Holly- gone another year
Dim is flickering a glow of wax keeping all hope aside
“It’s gone, it’s gone”, a wail of mine, stealing away all pride
A return of hope is faded and weak, film of layman’s dust
Never a man while buying days, while forgetting all that died
I’ve long to talk to Holly- she’s gone and left me here